Scrapper - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

Scrapper.first look on to unordinary  things

1.hmm,is Scrapper a healer?

When Vindicator is arrive and a-net bring specific boost to Tempest,we move out from first and two winner places in charts.Should we panic from that?Hell-no!They are pretty and awesome in theory..but on battleground is another laws XD Yes scrappers arent best now..yes in both our disciplines but)).Look around!How many squads you meet,here scrappers are a lot and they must switch to dps builds,mmm?So,relax and chill ) we are an elitary support…^__^ still.

2.When i must to use field?what if i lose time?

the cleansing aura mechanic isn't a cleanse(wow?wow!) ,our heart of build is a conversation conditions to work,as pulse with a timer(can be wrong) two seconds.After-we have  a hole without convert and ) need to do something else for negate effect.So,don't pray on gyro.It's just way to go but not way of your life.

If you not a fanatic of arcdps,not need to use  all fields by cooldown even before fight.Reason aren't -author is lazy ass.yep,im lazy ,but !Key in beloved of all commanders trouble-hold squad in will be broke in different time,after fight is start and ppls start  to cloud.In that case,if scrappers field working not in one interval-some field can save runners from total destroy)

3. Superspeed.God damned,where is a superspeed,scrappers?

Commanders-most of time,players who know(not perfect but) all professions and understand what to ask from blob members,but…they are humans as we all) ,so- can easy to forgot a tiny details.For example-if scrapper not trow himself in to combat,he cant give to near members a real superspeed.only  +33% speed buff.Soo,if you have a chance,give a speed,when trow f4 in to near monster or when you step inside enemy aoe

duration of superspeed now is sou-sou...that mean -now you just need not spammmm it evry time in fight ,but use it only in proper moments

4.hell!again that useless 3 on hammer!i swear-trow that bottom from keyboard

Actualy is not.When you press hammer 3 ,at proper time,your position is quickly change with chain of leaps and,as bonus,you catch  some benefits from all ally fields(because mechanic of leaps  give to you piece from any field…in short-auras)

A hidden cons -if you have enemy in aim,you jump only to him..not to the freedom)

Similar situation with a elexir gun skill,amed acid bomb (in short eg-4).If you trow that skill not in time- you fly far away and yell “rememebr me young” XD .Unfortunally,even if you not like that skill,eg-4 is nice spread poison on enemys(hehe).You can use it in middle of fight,as position change(not that easy as hammer 3) or as bomb…or as simple blast of any friendly field on battleground

5. wtf?tf??why they ask a  dome?

Scrapper`s dome are universal stability generator and can negate enemy projectiles(!!hard note!!don't even try to play in dyson sphere.splash damage or a ground field still hit you and peoples under dome)

That your skill is very helpful for any non novice commander.You must to use dome on first push in time above 4-3 sec,before melee phase.reason?On that distance enemy necromancers start to use control field in your ally

Alternate use time is  when blob are retreat or we are totally break and need to cover last survive runners

In any cases a backside - you are very visible for enemy,when activate easy to focus you…especially if dome are fall by time

If commander not tell a specially command for dome up(for example-stand at one spot)

,you MUST move by frontline  for cover a maximize blob member if have risk of potential attack

6.Blast?Man,i know it already

Lot of players ignore fact about a different cooldowns in blast skills.You remember about aura timers ?right?so!scrapper MUST  use self blast too and we have two skills for it.Lets talk about it?stay a while and listen)

First- we talk about medkit-5 .pretty nice skill ,buut not so cool as blast for now,because your stralth are not you still can use it to blast any of ally auras(for example-water) trouble only in pre-time,because that skill is do a blast only above 2 sec after use

Seconday skill for blast is a acid bomb.yes yes -again about that eg-4.In most of cases  eg blast = fly back scrapper .You need more and more prectice with it and) undestent this one- that skill can be  stopped by pressing you not fly other cases keep in mind current battlefield and think about how to maximize quick back to your group

Now we again talk about fields and blasting.

One of that skills have  a notice-whirl.and whirl to field do what?right!a projectiles of field element.Soo,If you use whirl on your cleanse-convert field,you do a more  cleanse from projectiles(hehe) what about last one?maybe you been in shock,but that are our block skill

A dynamic block  can give to us  opinion to use it to step over  a big enemy numbers/backside bonus- it give enemy a lot more projectiles XD from our fields

Also,it hard to explain,but block skills  is help to you with last tick of bulwark gyro “curse”(when you obtain a maximize  dmg to you as attack in to all your party)

elite notice)

also  block skill  can help you to negate  last tick of Illusion of Life.But there is one trouble ^__^ you MUST to be  at hearth of combat and guarantee to take melee dmg in that skill.yep yep..he is work only with a melle incoming
7. 2 from hammer?3?dude..bored,why not  pistol plus shield?

well,there is another many letters

it just so happened….long time ago link pistol-shield start to be popular for a walking roamer-engineer.And even traits was be cool isn't that?well,not so.

present reality of blob versus blob ask from you not be a hero with leroooy yelling.

commander need from you hammer-5 right in to (rev-)spike or catching skill from your mesmer ally.don't even try to do a foolished control ally spike with your shield 4 or just die for nothing

most unordinary thing is - you must not only to do your job.summary from your skills plus a tips(before) plus  ministrel equip with a durability/monk/water runes…all of this make you a potential secondary commander.what that means? need  start to practice about predicate enemy blob move

2.practice with move in and out that blob with minimal trouble,etc

3.survive maximize long.your squad not need a hero paramedic.squad need you alive,because you bring heal and convert and superspeed…remember it and  try to dont make  ally drop all for res  every time dangerious
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